In late August we finally moved into our own apartment in Madison. Soren settled right in and attempted to feed himself.
But the spoon ended up on his nose.
Soren relaxed in his new home by chewing on some sock.
We tried to put shoes on him, but he protested.
Around September, Soren started crawling.
We took a trip in October to an orchard/farm just outside of Madison. Soren enjoyed blending in with the pumpkins.
He seemed more interested in the leaves than the apples themselves.
This was Soren's first Halloween costume, very similar to mom's pregnancy costume the year before.
When daddy got a job, Soren got a new highchair. It's pretty swank.
Sometimes Soren didn't feel quite the best after an afternoon nap. Here he's recovering from such a nap by watching Baby Einstein.
This is Soren in his "Elmer Fudd" hat.