Last spring, we found out we were pregnant.

Nine revolutions of the Moon around the Earth later...

Kim was glowing, even with a little guy kicking her in the ribs and head-butting her bladder like a Brazilian soccer player.

It was time to make preparations, so we fixed up one of our rooms as the nursery for the expected one.

His crib stood in the corner, with Pooh-san ready to stand guard over the young Master.

Space was cleared under the crib for Father.

It was almost time for...


We shared a glass of champagne upon our return home.

We also finished our daruma doll. A daruma doll is purchased around New Year to make a wish. It comes with both eyes blank. You make a wish and fill in one eye. After your wish has come true, you fill in the second eye. We wished for a healthy and happy baby (which we got).